Making a Will? Five Things That Many People Forget

Most people understand how to create a last will and testament. They know that they have to give their possessions to friends, family members or to a good cause and they take steps to draw up this document in a timely fashion. However, it's not quite as simple as that, especially if you want to avoid any confusion after you pass away. Why should you include some additional paragraphs, to make sure that nothing is left to chance in your will? [Read More]

Avoid Estate Litigation: 3 Events that Necessitate an Estate Change

Failure to plan your estate correctly can cause your family members and other beneficiaries to go to court and contest your will. Of course, no one wants a court of law to overturn their wishes when they are not there to protect the interest of their loved ones. That's one you need to ensure that your will is up-to-date at all times. Doing so will not only close any loopholes for a contest, but it will also preserve the peace and cohesion in your family. [Read More]

Personal Injury: Three Critical Tips for Avoiding Common Claim Problems

The legal issues involved in personal injury claim cases can be complicated and challenging to handle. Therefore, if you were involved in an accident and would like to obtain compensation, you should hire a compensation lawyer to handle the procedures. The legal expert will help you navigate the negotiations and other critical proceedings. Moreover, they will ensure that you avoid common pitfalls which could compromise your case. Whether you are set on handling your personal injury claim without legal assistance or not, you should use the tips below to avoid problems which could cause failure. [Read More]

Understanding the Implications of a Drug Offence Charge

Drug offences are typically handled very seriously under Australian law. Regardless of the state you're in, a drug offence conviction often carries hefty financial repercussions and, in most cases, jail time. If you're charged with a drug offence, it's important to seek adequate legal representation so that your interests are catered to. Criminal lawyers can help you navigate the complicated drug offence laws in your state and to mount a legal defense if necessary. [Read More]